
Saturday, July 6, 2013

Our Barcis Adventure, Part 1

The last Sunday in June we had an opportunity to spend a beautiful afternoon around Lake Barcis.  Lucy was spending the day with another friend, so it truly was just 5titanfans caching.  We started out with a little picnic lunch along the river.  The kids waded in some water catching tadpoles and frogs.

We had come across a couple of caches that were rated high on the scale of difficulty.  In fact, they both suggested they were not for kids.  Since ours are no ordinary kids, we thought they might be up for the extra challenge.

The hike started with a bit of a climb next to a waterfall, but we managed to scale that easily enough.

However, we soon found it impossible to avoid getting from one spot to the next without being in the water, so we gave in and got wet.

A couple of times we had to really crawl around the rock faces to continue.  The kids did this almost effortlessly.

Me?  Not so much.  Thankfully my knight in shining armor always came to my rescue and helped me through it.  And I rewarded him with a kiss every time.

We had brought an ipad, small camera, wallet, and gps'er...those made their way into Mary's bag, which we kept around someone's neck most of the time to keep everything safe from the water.  Thankfully I hadn't brought the DSLR--we would have really struggled with that monster.
Ted's got Mary's purple bag hanging around his neck on his back.
Our hard work was rewarded with a find, though,

AND this beautiful waterfall,

which proved irresistible for the y chromosomes.

On the walk/climb back out, some of us decided to really enjoy the way down...Check out the video!

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