
Monday, September 17, 2012


Cloudy weather and the chance of rain could not stop us from visiting the town of Pisa to check out its little tower.

 It just made the pictures less impressive.  But we took our fair share, nonetheless, and had fun doing various poses with the tower.

Cory took this picture--I guess he couldn't wait for this guy to get out of the shot.

We apparently aren't very original, as weren't the only ones doing this.  It cracked me up to look down the path and see people with their hands in the air.

We also did some shopping, where we found a giant Pinocchio
and toured the city by Mega-bike only getting lost a couple of times.

Three lucky members of the crew, went to the top of the tower.

They waved at the less fortunate of the group who were waiting down below

A quick geocache in the city brought us along the river
 and to this interesting statue of Galileo Galilei, which we felt compelled to imitate.

Leaning of Tower of Pisa, yeah, we've been there!

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