
Friday, September 26, 2008

Running...but not for President

I run because I am lazy. A friend of ours coined that phrase and Kristi and I really seem to agree with it. We love not having to rely on a big gym, fancy equipment, and special techniques. Kristi and I both enjoy getting outside and going for a quick run. We've tried to pass that along to the kids - a desire to stay healthy and active. We took the kids out to a youth fun-run as part of a local 5K run. Riley and Mary Beth really enjoyed it. Dad enjoyed watching them run and smile at the same time.

A couple of quick rants as I listen to the debate and the larger "Race" for President!

1. No bailout - let the free-market run it's course. House Republicans - stand strong!!

2. How can the Speaker of the House say she and the Democratic controlled Legislative branch have nothing...nothing to do with the current crisis? She's been the highest ranking member of the House for quite some time, and in the House for years and years. Unbelievable.

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