
Thursday, August 19, 2010

August is CRAZY!

The girls are having a whirlwind August. They began the month in Egypt walking with Joseph from prison to palace at the Chapel's Vacation Bible School. They really enjoyed the makeup booth where they could get their eyes done like Egyptians. On Friday they dressed up in their "Indian-turned-Egyptian princess" costumes, wore the various crafts they made during the week and had me do their makeup before we left.
It was a great week for all 4 kids. Lucy loved going to her class, which was across the parking lot in another building. She called it "the middle of the circle," and it took me a long time to figure out that she wasn't talking about Freedom Circle. Cory also had a blast with his group--the first time he's done some sort of activity like this that he didn't cry and cling to me at drop off.

After VBS wrapped up, we got the girls packed up for camp at New England Camp Cedarbrook.
Riley has gone the past 2 years, and this was Mary Beth's first opportunity to attend. They had so much fun, and came home calling each other Sissy. Very sweet. Their week at camp was not without trouble, though. Unfortunatley the staff had to deal with cases of head lice during the week. That had to have been a nightmare! Luckily for us, the girls came home clear of the little buggers. I bet you feel a little itchy right about now, don't you?

This week they're participating in a Missoula Children's Theater production of the Jungle Book. We'll watch their performances on Saturday and then leave immediately for a week in Northern Virginia. After that we head to Arkansas for a couple of weeks. They can hardly wait! It's definitely a crazy August for us--especially Riley and Mary Beth

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