
Friday, July 25, 2008

And the last of our viewing area to see clearing and sunshine today will be Penobscot Bay…

...these were the words of News 8 Now WMTW’s Meteorologist Matt Zidle this morning as we prepared to go to breakfast. That was followed with “the Rockport area is currently seeing rain, some areas are heavy.” Great—we’re at the Penobscot Bay area, staying between Rockport and Camden, Maine. The next sound we heard was the sound of rain outside our door. Hey, Cory! Do you want to go get breakfast? (we’re in cottages away from the main hotel building)—IN THE RAIN???

Well, in spite of the dreary forecast, we headed out the door to nearby Lincolnville, which we read had a nice public beach—nice in that it had sand, a rare find in Maine’s beaches. We did a little beach combing and came away with several treasures. Ted found a live mussel and proceeded to make it un-live by cracking it open for the kids. We pulled off shells from rocks to see the little critters inside close up into the shell. We found little crabs, and even found a sea star—couldn’t decide if it was dead or alive, so we went with dead and added him to our collection of shells. Cory named him George to be our starfish pet. I think this boy will be in need of therapy someday.

The remainder of the day we poked around Camden, Rockland and Rockport, while Cory continually asked to go back to the hotel. We ate lunch while watching the falls go below us into the bay in Camden (the blue umbrellas in the picture are from the deli where we ate), geocached in Rockport, and after dinner returned to a pastry shop we visited yesterday so that I could get something yummy to go. YUM! YUM! And then the requisite swimming after dinner.

Oh, and if you haven’t noticed, this is now Kristi typing. I was not sure I wanted to author any of these entries for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is the title of the blog is clearly TED'S Excellent Adventures. However, I’ve been watching over Ted’s shoulders for the past few entries adding comments and doing my share of changing happys to glads as Ted likes to call it, so it’s probably just as well that I type out my own thoughts.

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