
Friday, July 11, 2008

Tell everyone about Fight Club

I went to a Bible study last night. It was billed as Christian Fight Club. Some of you may remember the movie Fight Club with Brad Pitt. It’s not a Christian movie by any stretch of the imagination, but the central theme has to do with a man finding himself in the physical struggle of a bare-knuckle brawl with a stranger…hence the name ‘fight club.’

One of the Chaplains here started a bible study based on some of the tag lines in the movie. For example the number one rule of Fight Club (from the movie) is: Don’t talk about fight club. Ask anyone who has seen the movie what the first rule of FC is and they will probably recite that. The Chaplain thought hey – there is something catchy there. So he came up with his own 5 rules of Christian Fight Club (CFC). The CFC rule is different in that “you are to tell everyone about CFC.” This was just the first session of many (they had an earlier group that got too large so he is splitting into two groups and this was the first meeting of the new group). I might try to borrow some of his ideas and develop my own little CFC. I think it is a great concept. I plan to talk with the Chaplain a little more about what he has planned across the weeks so I can work on it on my own.

At the beginning He asked why I was here (as he had done to everyone else) – and I said “well the name was cool – so I had to show up and see what it was about…and one of the rules of fight club (the movie) is if it’s your first time…you must fight…so I wanted to see if I would have to fight…” Unfortunately there was no fight to speak of. I’ll have to work on that…my CFC should have some sort of first time fight. That’s he whole point right – you have to make it mean something. I’m not sure all that makes sense when I type it out…but I’ll keep thinking/praying about it. For quite some time I have been searching for some sort of men’s group theme and a way to turn a Bible study into something that was more than coffee and pancakes with other guys. A buddy and I have discussed the Spiritual Battle we all face and thought of things in fighting type terms many times. Maybe CFC is a link to something larger. Some google searches turned up a couple of items but nothing significant – except this picture. Chaplain Shipman’s first rule of CFC – The Battle belongs to the Lord.

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