
Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Age of Empires

So some of us gathered to play a computer game. It’s called Age of Empires. It is a strategy game where you build up and army and try to conquer those around you. As usual Brandon has spent many hours playing this game and can crush all of us in a few minutes. We try to gang up on him but we barley know how to play and he is just lashing us in minutes. 5 vs 1 and he still wins. Maybe he spends too much time playing these games.

The one bad thing is my computer seems to drop off the network and that freezes the game for everyone. That stinks. After the second time it dropped I just stayed off so they could play on without me. The sad part is that we can’t really organize so he just picks us off one at a time vs a 5 on 1 fight. One more thing - it's Brandon's 27th b-day so I think he took extra pleasure in schwacking all of us.

Somewhere along the way from young with no kids to dad with 4 kids I switched from game player to movie watcher. Time to go watch another DVD.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jeffy Luby...("The Phenom")...both the Explorer and GrandCaravan have been way over due for an oil change. (Jeffy Lube had been out of oil for sometime.) Yesterday the CEO made a trip to Sam's Club and got cheap oil. Today the lowly worker (same guy as CEO) drained all the oil from the Explorer. Unfortunately, the new oil was still sitting in the GrandCaravan with Momma at her work. I had many errands to run, but just sat and stared at my oiless Explorer all day. Hope the picture makes you laugh. Cheers, Jeffy