Here is the video I took of the giant Conex mover. I can't believe I actually got it to load up. Spent today with 2 Marines on my board. The funny thing was a couple people (guard and translator) told me I looked upset and asked what I was mad about. I said me - I'm not mad...I said I must be trying to look tough next to the Marines. You know a softy Air Force guy next to a Gunny Sargent...I had to appear tough or something.
They all thought that was funny so I guess I succeeded in making them laugh. Today was a lot of what we call "re-boards". Sometimes the recommendation we make is objected to by another unit. In that case we hold another board to reconsider. Unfortunately I have found these to be the toughest to decide upon. Today was no exception. Sometimes you get more information to make a judgement...and sometimes not.
There must have been some sort of break down in the supply/ordering system. All they had in the D-FAC last night (as far as can drinks) was Diet Coke (luck for me they have plenty of sweet-tea). And then today at lunch sodas were even more scarce. I hope Ex-PFC Wintergreen get's on that soon. (1000 Dinar to the first 2 people to tell me what book that is a reference from).
Joseph Heller's Catch 22
Eugene "Gene" Wintergreen would figure out a way to use some of those trucks to dig holes faster. The Catch-22 with that, though, is he would be told to fill them back in... --jj
Catch-22!!! You owe me 81 cents. Great video--when will you start driving the trucks?
Catch-22, pay-up. The Coloradoan little guys loved the pics and vid too. - Jeffy
If you googled it, it doesn't count...
Nice Big Vehicle. Love your Blog. Tell your buddy Brandon his granddad in South Carolina says hello.
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